If you loved 19 Kids and Counting, then Doubling Down with the Derricos is the reality show for you. The series follows Deon Derrico and his wife Karen, as they raise their 14 children in Las Vegas. The couple met in 2005 and had their first child in 2006. All of Deon and Karen's kids' names start with the letter "D" and they were all born naturally, without IVF. The couple lost a son named Carter in 2018.
Network: TLC
First Episode Date: August 11, 2020
- Karen and Leon Derrico
- Darian Derrico (born 2006)
- Derrick Derrico (born 2011)
- Dallas and Denver Derrico (born 2012)
- Deniko, Dariz, Deonee, Daician, and Daiten (born 2013)
- Diez and Dior (born 2018)
- Dawsyn, De’Aren, and Dyver (born 2019)
Where to Watch: Hulu, Discovery Plus